Did you know AllDogs also offers a walking service!
Every weekday we run two social walks over the lunch period where your dog can make some new doggy friends, explore new places and get the extra stimulation that they crave. Whether you are out at work all day and would like to break up their day, are unable to walk them for whatever reason or simply wish they could spend more time and stimulation with doggy friends AllDogs can help you!
Whilst we do have access to the secure field at AllDogs Meadow we enjoy exploring the wonderful choice of dog-friendly beaches, woodlands and bridleways in our catchment area your dog will have a feast of scents and new paths to explore. What is there not to love?!

Social Walks
A social walk consists of a carefully selected number of dogs who have all been individually assessed for their suitability and compatability. A maximum of 4 households will attend each group walk.
Social walks provide an opportunity for your dog to exercise and socialise with appropriate companions. Dogs can be walked on lead (we use a waist belt so we can be hands free), or off lead (with owners' prior consent). We vary the location, route and mix in some basic training and/or scentwork to engage their brains.
AllDogs will pick up your dog, load them into our bespoke van (custom fitted crates, lined with fresh vet bedding, fresh water and a ventilation system) where they travel in style to their chosen walking location. Once we have arrived, we will unload our small group and off we go exploring...once we are all tired and thoroughly sniffed out, we towel off, offer fresh water and begin dropping everyone home, well-exercised and ready to dream of their adventure with AllDogs...
Why AllDogs?
Pet First Aid trained
Fully insured with PBI
Adhere to Professional Dog Walker's Guidelines
Fully kitted out van
Certified, experienced handler
Areas covered
Old Hunstanton
The Bircham's
Please do get in touch if you are just outside of these villages, we are happy to accommodate where routes/groupings allow.
Social Walk -
55 Minutes, 1 dog - £15
50% discount for additional dogs from the same household.
* Please note: there is a surcharge for Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday cover and prices are regularly reviewed.

Ready to Book?
Prior to commencement of any walking services we require all our potential AllDog canines to have a Meet and Greet.
But don't worry! The consultation is free of charge and is a very relaxed chat to discuss all the important details such as access, any specific dietary needs, current commands etc.
It allows us to meet the new member to the AllDogs gang and assess their personality so we can match them up with appropriate buddies.
Get in touch now and book your free Meet and Greet!